This example shows how to write junit test for a method that returns Mono.
StepVerifier from io.projectreactor.reactor-test is used to test reactive components.
Below is the Service class that returns Mono.
package com.kswaughs.webflux; import com.kswaughs.webflux.model.Book; import reactor.core.publisher.Mono; public class BookService { public Mono<Book> getBookById(int bookId) { if(bookId == 0) { return Mono.error(new Exception("Invalid BookId")); } if(bookId == 100) { return Mono.just(buildBook(bookId)); } return Mono.empty(); } private Book buildBook(int bookId) { Book book = new Book(); book.setBookId(bookId); book.setAuthor("John Grisham"); book.setTitle("A Painted House"); return book; } }
Below is the Junit test class to test Mono using StepVerifier
package com.kswaughs.webflux; import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals; import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue; import org.junit.Test; import reactor.test.StepVerifier; public class SpringWebFluxMonoExampleTest { private BookService bookService = new BookService(); @Test public void whenBookExists() { StepVerifier.create(bookService.getBookById(100)) .assertNext(book -> { assertEquals(Integer.valueOf(100), book.getBookId()); assertEquals("John Grisham", book.getAuthor()); assertEquals("A Painted House", book.getTitle()); }).verifyComplete(); } @Test public void whenBookNotExists() { StepVerifier.create(bookService.getBookById(56)) .verifyComplete(); } @Test public void whenBookIdIsInvalid() { StepVerifier.create(bookService.getBookById(0)) /** case 1: To validate only Exception className **/ //.expectError(Exception.class) /** case 2: To validate only exception message **/ //.expectErrorMessage("Invalid BookId") /** case 3: To Validate complete exception object **/ .expectErrorSatisfies(thr -> { assertTrue(thr instanceof Exception); assertEquals("Invalid BookId", thr.getMessage()); }) .verify(); } }
<dependency> <groupId>io.projectreactor</groupId> <artifactId>reactor-test</artifactId> <scope>test</scope> </dependency>